Land affiliation request

If you own land or are interested in buying land in close proximity of our community you can apply to be a member through our affiliation program.

What are the advantages?

The founding principles of the community are:

  • Sponsoring arts and cultural activities.
  • Establishing partnerships with relevant Second Life cultural organizations.
  • Providing a balanced, coherent and aesthetically pleasing environment.
  • Improving the quality of living and aesthetics of our area.
  • Sharing resources and collaborating for the benefit of all the community and each individual member and resident.

Being a member of the community gives you several advantages without any relevant constraint. You keep full ownership of the land, you are not required to deed the land to any group and can bail out of the community at any time without any loss of your properties.

If you care about improving the quality of living and aesthetics of our corner of Mainland you’ll find a strong ally in the community. We collaborate, share resources and you’ll have access to our promotional channels and facilities.

You’ll be part of a community that will help you defending your interests with better leverage power. As a member you’ll be part of our Steering Committee with right to vote on all decisions affecting the community. Our community charter clearly defines all your rights and responsibilities with full transparency.

Please, note that your request to be a member must be approved by the Steering Committee and it is not automatic. You must comply to our community standards and submit a formal request. Read on for more information on our admission process.

How you can join

Please, read our charter for our requirements. For any question please send an IM inworld to Indigo Mertel.

Our admission process requires that you submit a formal request. Your request will be voted for approval by the Steering Committee.

To submit your request, please fill the following form:

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